Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “events”
Upcoming Events
While the list in the talks section of my blog covers past presentations, this page should list my confirmed upcoming events.
Yeah… I’m not planning to travel anywhere for 2020 at this time.
Bio and Abstracts
This is a selection of talks and their abstracts. For conferences that are interested in having me present, these are generally the talks I’m available to give.
Speaking Credentials
Upcoming Events 2014
It’s been a while since I updated you on my travel plans, so now I’ve had some more conferences confirmed, I thought I would pass the information on.
Sevilla MUG March Madness
First presentation at the Virtual JUG!
Yesterday I had the privilege of presenting the very first session for vJUG, a new virtual Java User Group that allows us to span geographies when sharing talks and stories. I’m really interested in the vJUG idea, especially now I’m not in London - if we can find good ways to share knowledge without having to travel, that will help us reach people who don’t normally go to conferences or don’t have a local user group to go to. Not to mention cutting travel costs and saving the environment.
Trisha's World Tour 2013
2013 is looking a lot busier than I planned...
So, despite promising myself that I would only do one event a month for the rest of this year, looks like I’m going to be a bit busier than that.