Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “webinars”
First presentation at the Virtual JUG!
Yesterday I had the privilege of presenting the very first session for vJUG, a new virtual Java User Group that allows us to span geographies when sharing talks and stories. I’m really interested in the vJUG idea, especially now I’m not in London - if we can find good ways to share knowledge without having to travel, that will help us reach people who don’t normally go to conferences or don’t have a local user group to go to. Not to mention cutting travel costs and saving the environment.
Webinar: Processing High Volume Data Feeds with MongoDB
Hot on the heels of my very first MongoDB webinar, I was… encouraged… to do another. Here at 10gen we’ve been running a series of webinars around using MongoDB in the financial services domain. Yesterday was the last in the series, and was presented in association with C24 - John Davies, their CTO, did most of the talking, and demonstrated their product for automatically turning financial messages from one format into another.
My First Official MongoDB Appearance
Yesterday I had the nerve-wracking dubious alarming great pleasure of presenting my first official MongoDB-shaped talk. This was in the form of a webinar, which is an interesting and different format.